Full Body & Breast Thermography
Biothermal Imaging provides a precise visualization of imbalances in the body, often before any discomfort has presented itself. Thermography allows for early detection and intervention, making it the perfect preventative tool.
Biothermal Imaging has been offering Thermography in the Hudson Valley since 2003. Following founder Susan Willson’s retirement in 2022, Biothermal Imaging has found a new home at Crane Holistic in Kingston, NY.
“The superior physician treats that which is not yet ill” is an adage of ancient Chinese philosophy every holistic practitioner aspires to meet. Biothermal Imaging provides a precise visualization of imbalances in the body, often before any discomfort has presented itself. Chinese medicine specializes in correcting subtle energetic imbalances and accumulations in the body. This pairing is an incredible tool for supporting wellness and cultivating abundant health.
This website is designed to help educate our patients about the benefits and limitations of Thermography.